

When Weight Loss Prescription is the only Remedy

Obese at 17? Every obese youngster has a heartbreaking tale of their overweight days when some of them were being mocked at, and some had to go through a gloomy and dark phase. Weight loss treatment in India is revolutionised, involving weight shedding programs, special diet plans, fitness books, or medications. वजन घटाने सर्जरी, also known as bariatric surgery becomes inevitable for patients who are obese and diets and other weight loss programs fail.

There have been many cases where obesity has been associated with depression, low self-confidence, binge eating disorder and other psychological disorders. Obesity increases odds of conditions such as elevated blood pressure, cardiac ailments, poor mobility and टाइप करें 2 मधुमेह.

Weight Loss Programs in India

Weight loss treatment in India has a natural inclination. Natural, sustainable weight loss and healthy metabolism activity involve a multidimensional mind-body-spirit understanding of how emotions, beliefs, lifestyle, energy, and food impact one’s body.

  • Detoxification: Potentially clears accumulated toxins in the body so that nutrients can be better absorbed, thereby improving the bioavailability.
  • Rejuvenation: Followed by detoxification, rejuvenation diet restores vitality and makes one energised.
  • Nourishment: Optimising metabolism along with a balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Maintenance: The therapy involves managing weight.

Weight Loss program includes:

  • Inch loss
  • पेट कम करना
  • Arm tuck
  • Thigh tuck
  • बॉडी टोनिंग
  • Anti-cellulite therapy
  • Post-delivery skin tightening
  • Spot fat reduction/thigh bulges
  • स्थायी वजन घटाने
  • Medical, lifestyle and Prakriti analysis
  • Deviation analysis
  • Stimulus नियंत्रण
  • स्थिरीकरण
  • दोहरी ठुड्डी
  • Bio-stat correction

वजन घटाने कार्यक्रम

पोषण थेरेपी

Nutrition therapy is focused towards monitoring the individual’s nutrition levels and physical activity. Specialists and other healthcare providers motivate obese individuals to shift their perspective.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Loss: Pure & Natural 

Ayurvedic Treatment is the most natural and therapeutic method of treating obesity. The therapy involves deep and dry massages with herbal powders and pastes (Udwarthanam) and massaging with specific oils (Abhyanga). The treatment also includes a herbal steam bath which holds potential in mobilizing the accumulated fat alongside a customised diet and yoga postures such as Dhanurasana, bhujangasana, shalabasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, trikonasana and Vajrayana.

The magic of Dieting + Probiotics

A healthy diet in combination with probiotic treatment has been associated with combating obesity and boosting weight loss, a smart study revealed. However, the study warrants further study. The findings hint towards the potential of the microbiome in accelerating weight loss.

Hormone Injection for Weight Loss

Hormone Injection has the similar results as that of gastric bypass surgery.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Weight Management?

CBT (संज्ञानात्मक व्यवहार थेरेपी) is a talk therapy focused on the mechanism of how thoughts manipulate behaviour. The therapy involves identifying maladaptive thoughts and moulding and directing towards positive thoughts.

CBT has proved to be of potential in treating binge eating disorder. The treatment is most effective when given alongside conventional weight loss methods.

The theory behind Acupuncture & Weight Management

Acupuncture has long been practised in the East. The procedure uses super-thin needles to stimulate strategic points of the body, and the results have remarkable health benefits. Traditional practitioners stick to the conventional alternative medications so body’s energy (called “qi”) can be rebalanced. It is an effective slim down strategy but takes time.

Acupuncture is done alongside timely and regular physical activity; potentially focusing on healthy eating habits.

Best Specialty Clinics & Dietician for Weight Loss Program 

1. डॉ शिखा शर्मा की NutriHealth, Delhi

2. Dr. Anjali Hooda Sangwan’s LiveNutriFit, Delhi

3. Dr. Ishi Khosla’s Clinic

4. Ms Ritika Mehta’s Aktiv Health (formerly AktivOrtho), New Delhi

Best Hospitals & Doctors for Weight Loss Surgery in India

1. Dr Pradeep Chowbey (मैक्स स्मार्ट सुपर स्पेशलिटी हॉस्पिटल, साकेत)

2. Dr Adarsh Choudhury (Medanta- The Medicity, Dएली एनसीआर)

3. Dr Ajay Kriplani (फोर्टिस मेमोरियल रिसर्च इंस्टीट्यूट, दिल्ली एनसीआर)

4. Dr Rajesh Khullar (Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket)

5. Dr Mohan Rao (Fortis Malar Hospitals Ltd., Chennai)

6. Dr Praveen Bhatia (सर गंगा राम अस्पताल, नई दिल्ली)

7. Dr Yogesh Agarwala (मैक्स स्मार्ट सुपर स्पेशलिटी हॉस्पिटल, साकेत)

8. Dr Naresh Singhi (Saifee Hospital, Mumbai)

9. Dr HV Shivaram (Aster CMI, Bengaluru)

वजन घटाने की सर्जरी के प्रकार

Bariatric surgery is associated with cutting down the risk of premature heart disease and stroke among overweight or obese youngsters but only becomes an option when other weight loss options do not work. It is a surgical procedure which involves reducing the size of the intestines, and the stomach becomes, so the absorption is reduced.

Solid research has potentially shed light on the significance of bariatric surgery in weight loss and lowering risk of stroke and other heart diseases in patients.

The various types of weight loss surgeries performed in India are as follows:

1. Roux-en-Y (roo-en-y) - A type of gastric bypass surgery, the procedure involves limiting the absorption capacity of the stomach and compressing the stomach.

2. Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch- A form of gastric bypass surgery for individuals with BMI more than 50, in this surgery 80 percent of the stomach is removed. Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch has proved to be of potential in bypassing a greater chunk of the intestine.

3. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) – The procedure involves placing an inflatable band around the uppermost part of the stomach, which holds potential in compressing the stomach.

4. स्लीव गैस्ट्रेक्टोमी- The surgical procedure involves making a biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch so that the structure of the stomach can be re-defined to a tube, thereby limiting the absorption of nutrients.

What is the cost of weight loss surgery in India?

Weight Loss programs

  • Nutrition Therapy- अमरीकी डालर 500
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Weight Loss- अमरीकी डालर 200
  • Ayurvedic Treatment- USD 250 से USD 300 तक
  • Hormone Injection- अमरीकी डालर 400
  • Acupuncture for Weight Loss- अमरीकी डालर 200


Why should you choose India for Weight Loss Treatment?

Obesity is increasing at an alarming rate, and so is the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes among patients. Individuals with morbid obesity may undergo weight loss programs being offered at various speciality clinics under coveted dieticians.

Bariatric surgery becomes inevitable when other treatment options fail to exhibit positive results.  Weight loss treatment in India is enhanced and can be availed at an affordable cost. The hospitals in India dispense top-notch services to patients have the state-of-the-art infrastructure.

With the emergence of medical tourism in India, availing treatment in India has become even more feasible, thereby eliminating insensitive middlemen.  Various healthcare platforms like मेडमोनक्स connect patients to the सही अस्पताल and help them walk through the entire procedure. 

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